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Yongxin Street, Development Zone, Dezhou, China – Dezhou – China, Bahía Bohai0086-534-308965Facebook
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EIFS Fiberglass Mesh is made of alkaline resistant fiber yarns and has been tested to DIN EN ISO 13934-1 tensile strength standards.

We offer three types of EIFS fibreglass mesh for rendering uses:
Heavy Duty Fiberglass Mesh for EIFS: Heavy weight external mesh designed specifically to reinforce areas exposed to increased stress, especially a plinth and other demanding places;
Medium Duty EIFS Mesh: Medium weight fiberglass cloth is commonly used for reinforcing and rendering surfaces with a big opening of 10mm x 10mm;
Standard mesh for EIFS: Standard weight fiber glass mesh fabric for common stucco skim coating, mosaic tile backing and marble backing.

4x4 160g Fiberglass mesh for EIFS systems

Construction material
Roll size: 1m width x 50 m length
Mesh size: 4mm x 4mm
Quality: 160g/m2.
Packed in 1x20 full containers.

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AoYong Glass Fibre Fabrics Co., Ltd.

Actividad: AoYong Glass Fibre Fabrics Co., Ltd.

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EIFS Construction MeshEIFS Construction Mesh
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